Supports Coordination is made up of four major parts:

 woman with disability engaged in craftsmanship in rehabilitation center

Assessments: Every year before developing the Individual Support Plan (ISP), the Supports Coordinator will ask the participant and/or family members to complete three tests-the Scales of Independent Behavior-Revised (SIB-R), the Parental Stress Scale (PSS) (if the participant lives with family members) and the Quality of Life Questionnaire (QOL.Q).

Individual Support Plan (ISP): the Supports Coordinator must call a meeting of the Planning Team to create the participant’s Support Plan. The team is made up of the Supports Coordinator, the participant getting services and other people chosen by the participant. A participant may ask current service providers to attend the Planning Team meeting, especially a Behavioral Specialist provider. The services in the ISP should be based on the participant’s goals and needs

Monitoring: the Supports Coordinator should visit or call the participant or his or her family at least once every month. They have to visit the participant either at home or outside the home while they are getting services, at least once every three months. During those visits or calls, the Supports Coordinator will check to see that the participant is getting the services that are on his or her ISP and that the providers of those services are doing what they are supposed to be doing.

Coordination of non-waiver services: the Supports Coordinator also helps the participant find and access services that they may need that are not part of the Adult Autism Waiver. Some of those services might be: finding a doctor or dentist, applying for job training and finding services offered by the participant’s community.